[kawr-tuh-koh-ster-oid, -steer-]
noun, Biochemistry.
1. any of a class of steroids, as aldosterone, hydrocortisone, orcortisone, occurring in nature, especially as a product of the adrenalcortex, or synthesized.
In regard to musculoskeletal problems, corticosteroid injections are performed in order to reduce or even eliminate pain associated with a variety of disorders, such as:
Bursitis (most commonly subacromial and trochanteric bursitis)
Arthritis (any joint may be injected, including joints of the spine)
Nerve pain (most commonly for sciatica and carpal tunnel syndrome)
Tendinitis and Tenosynovitis (such as plantar fasciitis, trigger finger, DeQuervain's tenosynovitis, Tennis and Golfer's elbow)
Other miscellaneous conditions where inflammation is a contributor to the pain, for example frozen shoulder/adhesive capsulitis,Morton's neuroma, ganglion cyst injections and Dupuytren's contracture.